Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Lost and Found with toddlers

I did a new theme today. There are many books about Lost and Found and I did a few for the toddlers today. The kids were a little stir crazy because of a few days of rain.

Knuffle Bunny by Willems
What's the matter Bunny Blue? by Smee
Little Lost Owl by Haughton

I don't usually do 3 books but they took a little break from running around the room and listened a bit.

Open shut them
Shake your sillies out
If you'er happy and you know it
I thought I lost you from Bolt with instruments'
What a miracle

Hug my bunny (tune: Found a Peanut)
Hug my bunny, hug my bunny, hug my bunny just now,
Just now I hug my bunny, hug my bunny, just now.

Load the laundry
Play outside
Lost my bunny
Can't stop crying
Check the washer
Found my bunny

Flannel Rhymes
Little Bo Peep
Little Boy Blue

With a new theme, I usually bomb the first time but this one went pretty well. It was a little short.  I might do a puppet story next time - Runaway Bunny - since I had done a puppet story last week I decided not to do it this week.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Worms with toddlers

I did my worm program again. It went well but it was a little short. I think I could have done another action song but I was out of ideas by the end.

Ned's New Home by Tseng
-Love this one for Toddlers
Inch by Inch by Lionni
-I remember this one from when I was young. Works pretty well for the toddlers as long as read with drama.

A Very Hungry Caterpillar by Carle
-this one went well.

Big Fat Worm by Van Laan
-One toddler insisted on standing at my knees. I tried to ignore but it was tough.

Action Rhyme with scarves:

Wiggle your worms up, then wiggle them down.
Wiggle your worms around and around.
Wiggle them high, wiggle them low.
Wiggle them fast, wiggle them slow.
Wiggle them over, the tops of your toes.
Wiggle them under the tip of your nose.
Wiggle them up your arm to the top
Wiggle them down to your fingers and stop.
Wiggle your worm ‘cross the top of your head,
Then put your worm back in his own little bed.  (either put back in bag or cover up in hands.)

Open Shut Them
Shake Your Sillies Out by Raffi
If you're happy and you know it
Walter the Waltzing Worm by Palmer with scarves
What a Miracle by Palmer

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Early Head Start - Worms

I did my worms toddler storytime for Early Head Start.
It went okay. The kids had some fun. Because it is spring break there was an older sibling there and she liked to answer all the questions. Of course none of the little ones said a word.

Inch by Inch by Lionni
Worms for Lunch by Gore
Bob and Otto by Bruel

Itsy bitsy Spider
The More we Get Together
Shake your Sillies out
If you're happy and you know it
May there always be sunshine
The Littlest Worm with shakers

Where's Little Worm

Puppet show
Big Fat Worm by Van Laan

The game and puppet show weren't very successful. The kids didn't understand the game (the 5 year old loved it) and they were only mildly interested in the puppet story. The adults seemed to appreciate them.