I did my Rain theme. Since I haven't done it for a while here it is in full:
Opening song: Open Shut Them
Book #1 Boom! Big, Big Thunder and One Small Dog by Ray
This one was a little long and some little ones lost interest.
Fingerplay - Itsy Bitsy Spider
Book #2 - Itsy Bitsy Spider by Trapani
I skipped the last couple of verses.
Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
Shake your Sillies out
If you're Happy and you know it
Flannel Story - 5 little raindrops
Five little raindrops plopping on the floor,
One plopped away, and then there were four.
Four little raindrops dripping on the trees,
One dripped away, and then there were three.
Three little raindrops splashing on my shoe,
One splashed away, and then there were two.
Two little raindrops starting to run,
One ran off, and then there was one.
One little raindrop drying in the sun,
It dried all up, and then there were none!
Book #3 - Raindrops Roll by Sayre
More lack of interest so I just showed some pictures. It is a beautiful book and I will use it for preschool storytime next month.
Book #4 - It's Raining It's Pouring by Eagle
I sang the first verse and read the rest. I left off the last verse.
Scarf song
Cathy Fink - When the Rain Comes Down
Closing Song - What a Miracle by Palmer
Coloring sheet - Rain on a duck
I knew I was in for it when one child said - I am just not happy! - before I started. The child in question said she felt better after we were done. General lack of interest for longer books, I am guessing everyone wanted to get outside in the beautiful weather.