Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Body Parts - Toddlers

Opening song: The more we get together

Sign language: Body

Book 1: Head to Toe by Carle

Hands are for Clapping
Head Shoulders Knees and Toes
If your Happy and you Know it- this is where I lost some of them (they wanted to run around not listen to another story)

Book 2: My Octopus Arms by Baker - this lost a few more it was a bit long

Finger Play:
Where is my nose? got some back

Handed out Bean bags with rules - no throwing etc

Song: Bean Bag Rock

Song: Hokey Pokey

Coloring sheet

I didn't use my usual closing song because it was complete chaos. Had a few new kids today and they were not interested in being there. Made it hard to keep their interest. One of them started playing with a cart and I was afraid he would pinch his fingers. One came 15 minutes late and the door was closed do to a runner and I didn't see her. Luckily one of the other moms did.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Special Family program - Happy Unbirthday to everyone!

So I wasn't sure if I would get any people because we had a wildly popular program yesterday and got 35 kids. But I set up anyway because you never know. I might have decorated a bit more if I was a little surer but it was fine.

I had a 3 year old, a 4 year old, and a six year old in the beginning.  I told them about how Alice met Humpty Dumpty and he told her about Unbirthdays. I was going to read the chapter from Through the Looking Glass if I had older kids, but no need.

So I read 2 books.

A Birthday for Cow by Thomas (they liked this one)
Happy Birthday Cupcake by Border (not as successful)

Then we did the hokey pokey, musical hearts (like this), and pin the tail on the donkey.

Then another child came who was about 2.

So I went straight for the crafts. They needed quite a bit of help. They were preschool/kindergarten crafts. This and this (but it said Today is my Birthday)

Then I took out the musical instruments and put on music so if some were done they could play.

Next since most of them were done with their crafts, we had cake and lemonade. I cut the cake after we sang happy birthday. Since no one was singing I put on a CD with happy birthday on it.

I didn't have much else for them to do so I put on music and used my bubble gun. Then I said stay as long as you like and left for the desk.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Farm - toddlers

So I did my farm theme again. Toddler books and more music.

Cock-a-doodle Quack Quack by Baddiel
Farmyard Beat by Craig

The more we get together - by Raffi
Shake your sillies out
If you're happy and you know it
Old MacDonald - with puppets
I love my rooster - with flannel
Down on the farm - with musical instruments
What a miracle

Monday, January 22, 2018

Farm - Outreach

I had 2 outreach so I did my farm theme.

I got a book from Interlibrary Loan called Old MacDonald Had a Dragon. It is a little grafic with the animals getting eaten but then the dragon burps and everyone lives happily ever after. The liked it but i wouldn't do it for much younger than 4.

Preschool at rec center
Old MacDonald had a dragon
Farmyard Beat
Book Book Book - they didn't get the joke but that is not new

Old MacDonald - on uke - forgot puppets
I know a chicken with egg shakers
Jumping and Counting
May there always be sunshine on uke
Books, Books by Emily Arrow

Early head start
Hurry Hurry
Cock-a Doodle Quack Quack

I know a chicken with shakers
Old Macdonald with puppets
The Pig on the bus goes... with puppets
Jumping and counting
Alabama Mississippi

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Bathtime with toddlers

Bears in the Bath by Parenteau
Get Out of My Tub! by Techentrup
The Pigeon Needs a Bath by Willems

The more we get together with signs
Jumping and Counting by Gill
Bathtime by Raffi with bubbles
What a Miracle by Palmer

5 elephants in the tub
Colorful bubbles - This one didn't work very well. Too young.

I did 3 books just because I wanted to. Not a good idea since only one kid was paying attention. I stood up to read the books today so all the kids stood up too. Next time I will sit or kneel.

I got a new bubble gun at Target and it worked great!

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Hats for Toddlers

I had a new staff member watching me today and I think it made me nervous. Also, not having done story time for 4 weeks.

Under my hood I have a hat by Kuskin
A Hat for Minerva Louise by Stoeke
Hooray for Hat! by Won

The More we get together with signs
If you're happy and you know it
Cap, Mittens, shoes and socks
Mexican Hat dance
Give me my hat back by Bill Harley with shakers

H-A-T-S that spells hat

How it went:
The kids listened for the first one. I didn't do Jumping and Counting like I usually do. I also didn't do our closing. What happened with that? Anyway. I read the first 2 books did the first 2 songs and realized that it had only been 15 minutes. Fill, Fill, fill. I don't usually do 3 books and they really didn't listen to the third one but I didn't want to cut it short today since I had an observer. It was really manic and crazy but it is what it is.